Building Pre-K: Philanthropy & CDFI Collaborations in Financing Early Education Facilities

Contemporary research on early childhood education, with origins as far back as the 1960s, indicates that investments in high-quality early childhood care and education are cost-efficient investments in family well-being and economic prosperity.

The success of contemporary pre-Kindergarten (pre-K) expansion efforts depends in part on finding a solution to the persistent challenges of financing and constructing quality child care facilities at scale.

Decades of rigorous research and advocacy demonstrate the benefits of quality pre-K education for children, their families, and society. However, pre-K and other forms of early care and education (ECE) are often provided by small businesses whose economics provide insufficient cash flow to support the debt financing needed for facility development.

Continue Reading to see what community development financial institutions (CDFIs) nationwide are doing to help.




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Connecting children with nature through thoughtful facilities design

This paper and accompanying short videos are part of the Making Space series, a project of the Naitonal Chidlren’s Facilities Network. This intallment explores how children’s children connection to nature has changed in the context of our changing climate, and how child care facilities may play a role in restrengthening that relationship.

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