Our Newsletters

January 2024

We hope your end of year celebrations provided opportunities to rest, recharge and reflect on your accomplishments in 2023. 

February 2024

This month we celebrate and honor the historical struggles of Black Americans and reflect on the discriminatory policies, systems and social structures that have stood in the way of racial equality. Build Up California is especially committed to raising up the voices of Black early care and education providers and advocating for their equal pay and adequate access to state resources.

March 2024

Women's History Month

Happy Women’s History Month! Here’s why it is so special to us: The early care & education workforce is overwhelmingly made up of women, especially women of color; affordable, high quality child care is essential for women to work, should they choose to do so; and women make the world go round, especially in the special sector of early care & education. So, we are happy to spend the month of March celebrating all the amazing women in our field and those who advocate for improvements to the child care sector!

April 2024

Welcome to Spring! Build Up California is entering this season with a renewed appreciation for the connection between our natural and built environments and their healing effects on the growing bodies and minds of young children. We are especially excited to celebrate Earth Day this month and continue our efforts to advocate for resources to help child care providers bolster their spaces to be more climate resilient.

May 2024

Welcome to budget season! We hope this newsletter finds you preparing for a joyful summer and keeping a watchful eye on the Governor and Legislature’s efforts to balance California’s state budget while preserving critical community and family services. This month Build Up California stood in solidarity with the providers and families across the country participating in the Day Without Child Care on May 13th. Now more than ever, bold investment in child care is necessary to support our families, providers, economy and resilience to climate change. 

June 2024

Women's History Month

This month we continue to fiercely advocate on behalf of all child care providers, children and families under the uniting need for high quality, affordable child care in safe, nurturing spaces. Yet during June, we are reminded to acknowledge, honor and celebrate the different identities that make us individuals, valued members of groups, and special voices of the whole. During this month of pride, we celebrate the broad expression of LGBTQIA+ identities and reflect on the United States’ legacy of slavery on Juneteenth. Personal identities like gender expression, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity define who we are and our perspectives on our society. It is critical that our child care system reflects the experiences of these identities and is accessible to all families. 

July 2024

Happy Summer! During these warmer months, we are reminded to take advantage of temperate, clear days and plan for respite during more extreme heat waves. Children and their developing bodies are more vulnerable to dramatic changes in temperature, extreme weather events, and dehydration. While soaking up the sun this season, consider how our built infrastructure can better keep us safe during the warmer months and the importance of public access to cooling and restful spaces.

August 2024

We hope your summer has been full of rest, joy and connection to your community. As the season winds down and many return to school, we hope you enjoy slightly cooler weather, a sense of purpose, and an energetic start to the school year.

Women's History Month