Investing in Early Childhood – Under 3 DC

The DC-based coalition, Under 3DC, has released multiple fact sheets and resources in order to provide early childhood staff, families, and policymakers with the deep racial and socioeconomic inequalities that the child care sector is suffering from.

“A strong education and workforce pipeline, starting at the earliest ages, is essential to promote the lifelong success of District residents, end racial inequities, and generate a thriving economy. The District is not developing the workforce talent it needs, which could cost jobs now and in the future. Business leaders have a vested interest in public funding for early childhood education and care, health, and other services for children birth to age three that both prepare them for success and enable working parents to focus on their jobs.”

This brief makes the case for funding those services, which are incorporated in the landmark Birth-to-Three For All DC Act of 2018. Research shows that the early years are the most important time period for brain development, as it grows to 85% of its adult size in the first three years of life. This neurological structure lays the foundation for building the executive functioning and technical skills and abilities necessary for a successful life. Differences in brain activity show up as early as six to nine months old, and much of the learning gap that exists before kindergarten persists throughout childhood.

Report published in Spring of 2021.

Click here to view the full report.




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Connecting children with nature through thoughtful facilities design

This paper and accompanying short videos are part of the Making Space series, a project of the Naitonal Chidlren’s Facilities Network. This intallment explores how children’s children connection to nature has changed in the context of our changing climate, and how child care facilities may play a role in restrengthening that relationship.

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