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Design and Development by Mt. Burdell Marketing Solutions
In the coming fiscal year, California is estimated to receive an increase of $76,850,822 in Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funds, totaling over $830,350,950 for the three year grant cycle. Additionally, the recently released CCDF guidelines provide a change to the definition of minor repairs and renovations allowable under CCDF such that minor repairs are considered those that are up to $350,000 for child care centers and up to $50,000 for family child care homes, unless the renovation does not include structural changes or extensive alteration of the facility. To enhance the childcare landscape, we propose a strategic allocation of CCDF funds towards repair and renovation projects over the next three years (FY25-27). We believe this would improve the quality, safety, and accessibility of child care facilities in California, ultimately benefiting both children and providers.
As such, a CCDF allocation would enhance the physical environment of child care facilities to meet health, safety, and quality standards and improve the overall infrastructure and functionality of child care centers. Additional funds and guidance could support the creation of developmentally appropriate learning environments, accessible spaces and features for children with diverse needs and facilities intended to withstand the effects of climate change. The allocation could be accomplished by expanding section 5.3.5 – Building and physical premises safety and supported through technical assistance to providers in Quality Set Aside funds.
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Design and Development by Mt. Burdell Marketing Solutions