- toolkit
This toolkit report was published in response to findings from LA County's 2022 Early Care and Education Needs Assessment, which found that only 4% of the County's infant and toddler population can be served by licensed child care centers and family homes. In order to create more supply of infant and toddler care, this toolkit offers 7 key considerations for child care facilities expand their opperations to serve more children under 24 months of age....
- podcast
Table2 Climate Change is Childcare Issue (September 12th Episode): In this episode of the No One is Coming to Save Us podcast, host Gloria Riviera explores why "families across L.A. are struggling with the rising cost of childcare and how to access support programs. Meanwhile, childcare providers are grappling with their own challenges, including low wages and staff shortages. Gloria talks about how leaders in L.A. can invest in a more unified, affordable, and culturally affirming system of childcare. She is joined by Debra Colman, the Director of the L.A. County Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education, and Vickie Ramos Harris, the Vice President of Policy and Programs at Catalyst California."...
- podcast
“Researchers who study the importance of a baby’s early experiences, such as the quality of the relationships with their parents, are also looking into how built and natural environments critically impact health outcomes. But access to green space, for example, is not equal depending on where families live. Here & Now’s Deepa Fernandes learns more […]
...- report
This paper written in partnership between LIIF and UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities + Schools makes clear the need to bolster physical infrastructure to protect children from the effects of climate change. Child care facilities, spaces where children between the ages of 0 and 5 spend lots of their time, may be an important site […]