
Sustainable Facilities Tool – Child Care Centers


This helpful tool can be used in the ECE facilities planning stages to design and create child care facilities that are “child-oriented, developmentally appropriate, beautiful, environmentally sensitive, healthy promoting and functional.” Users can browse through different areas of the facility inculding the building, classroom, bathroom, kitchen, laundry and outdoor play areas. Interactive, clickable images further break down design and landscaping elements and offer environmentally-conscious and safe material options.


Aspen Institute, Capita



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Connecting children with nature through thoughtful facilities design

This paper and accompanying short videos are part of the Making Space series, a project of the Naitonal Chidlren’s Facilities Network. This intallment explores how children’s children connection to nature has changed in the context of our changing climate, and how child care facilities may play a role in restrengthening that relationship.

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