Early Learning Facilities in California

Need Critical Repairs
1 %

More than 70% of centers and 63% of family child care homes need moderate or major renovations.*

Since 2008
1 %

Since 2008, the state lost 30% of licensed family child care spaces. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the problem of limited spaces.*


CA Children
1 %

60% of California’s children live in a child care desert*


*Source: Manship, K. and Muenchow, S. (2020). Early Childhood Facilities: What Research Tells Us. California For all Kids Knowledge Brief.



Join our community of early learning facilities champions.

about us

Build Up California is a statewide network dedicated to sustaining, improving, and expanding the supply of early learning facilities.


Our work

Leaders collaborate and together we are transforming support system for ECE facilities in California.